XL Cruise Missiles For Stellaris

XL Cruise Missiles For Stellaris
I was wondering why there are no XL missile launchers in the Heinlein update. We have two XL energy weapons, 1 XL projectile weapon and no missiles? Well, I’ve decided to mod one myself.
This mod adds two technologies and two XL weapons: Cruise Missiles and Antimatter Cruise Missiles (which is an upgrade to Cruise Missiles). The Cruise Missiles tech is available right after Marauder Missiles.
Cruise missiles are somewhat slow and their launcher has a pretty high cooldown, but their alpha damage is incredible and their health is high to help surviving a flight through enemy PD. We don’t want the best missiles getting shot by PD easily, right? Here are their stats:
Cruise Missiles:
Damage: 500-580
Shield damage: +50%
Armor penetration: 50%
Cooldown: 22.5
Range: 120
Accuracy: 100%
Tracking: 0%
Power grid usage: 100
Cost: 100
Missile speed: 10
Missile health: 120
Missile shield: 40
Missile armor: 16
Missile evasion: 0%
Antimatter Cruise Missiles
Damage: 620-680
Shield damage: +50%
Armor penetration: 50%
Cooldown: 22.5
Range: 160
Accuracy: 100%
Tracking: 0%
Power grid usage: 120
Cost: 120
Missile speed: 10
Missile health: 140
Missile shield: 60
Missile armor: 20
Missile evasion: 0%
Vanilla files that were edited:
section_templates/battleship.txt – The tech prerequisite conditions for XL sections had to be modified to include my techs. The XL sections now become available when you research cruise missiles.
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