VisiblePrecursors Mod

VisiblePrecursors Mod
A hopefully thurough fix to precursor event chains.
I really like the Precursor events, and it sucks that players often cannot complete them. I’ve devised an overcomplicated fix for this, and could use your help testing and improving it!
The Fix:
-Precursor anomalies are removed
-Precursor sites are generated at game start
-Archeology sites are globally visible and include some system map art
-Surveying *or* trading star charts for survey data will grant the site’s special project
-All precursor chains are now acessible in a single game
The wonderful story text and chain discovery/completion remains unchanged, but the above should allow you to reliably complete them now.
In order to use this mod, you will need to start a new game (precursor sites are generated on game start).
I am uncertain if all chains should be available as they are in this current version, and would love some feedback. Certainly as designed they grant too much unity in single-player this way, and this method damages replayability somewhat. Locking players in is difficult to do without creating weird situations, like spawnng on the border between 2 or 3 regions.
Files modified:
(Compatibility should be largely ok, but text issues with mods that also need to change basic event and project localization files)
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