United Traits Stellaris

United Traits Stellaris
This mod contains 65 traits for species inspired by various Sci-Fi themes (from Star Wars, Mass Effect, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Stargate, StarCraft to Fallout). New traits are defined in a separate file, therefore vanilla traits are not affected. These traits are more or less balanced according to initial game traits.
Supported languages are English, German, French, Spanish and Russian. Please contact me if you can translate to another language supported by the game.
Please let me know if you want some area covered by a new trait (discussion link). Even more traits will be added later on. Some minor tuning is possible to keep features of traits consistent with assigned points. You can let me know your comments regarding balance here: discussion link.
List of traits: link to discussion.
Change log:
V 1.0: 24 traits added.
V1.1: 10 new traits were added: slaver, grunt, loyalist, rebel, scavenger, hive, clone, advanced engineer, advanced sociologist and advanced physicist. Trait robot tuned.
V1.2: 11 new traits added: small creature, big creature, wanderer, hedonist, extreme harvester, super efficient, survivalist, obnoxious, replicator, prey and unreliable.
V1.3: 13 new traits added: ancient, parasite host, criminal, lawful, exterminator, invasive, fanatical, self-sufficient, mercenary, servant, mineral consumer, food consumer and energy consumer.
V1.4: several traits were revised to be more diverse and balanced.
V1.5: updates implemented for 1.5 Banks, ethics attraction and consuming of goods modifiers have been added to traits, happiness modifiers to other species updated according to vanilla game. Hive mind ethics considered when traits are selected. New traits individualist, collectivist and psi-gifted have been added.
V1.6: 4 new unity traits added: united, extremely united, divided, extremely divided. Previous traits also received modifiers regarding unity and food output when they are consumed.
Trait Hive
The mod has trait Hive which was created before Utopia :). Also it allows highly unified play style without negative/positive features of Hive-mind and it is an option for players who do not have Utopia.
Please see also my main mod:
• United Sci-Fi races – some traits are created specifically for some of races.
• Extended Vanilla Clothes (1100+ clothes).
Conflicts with other mods
The mod adds only new traits and nothing else. Only possible conflict if the same trait (names match exactly) is added by another trait mod.
Also big thanks for
• Translation to Russian by CT-3007;
• Translation to Spanish by (Es)ven Hassel;
• Translation to German by Maboy;
• Translation to French by Age of Sigmar.
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