Two Galaxies Mod For Stellaris

Two Galaxies Mod For Stellaris
As the tile says, two galaxies in one game. This is a static galaxy. There are 1001 systems total, one is the void between the two galaxies for travel with jump drives (you will need the advance jump drive mod). You will also need the dark core mod to get rid of the bright core (also I have required but if you are ok with a bright glow in the void then you don’t have to use it). Also there are hyperlanes but they don’t connect the galaxies.
– Now you can have up to four fallen empires, but don’t set any in the game details on the main menu. Instead, create custom fallen empires with this mod, but only create a maximum of four (you may also have to tag switch to them and build colony ships and then colonize their starting systems, they don’t do it it seems). When starting a game set these fallen empires to forced spawn. Playing with one other player or one ai empire that you set to force spawn in (that isn’t a fallen empire) should work fine with 4 fallen empires, but I’m not sure about more.
You don’t need twinks playable fallen empire mod if you are ok with no fallen empires (you don’t have to play as a fallen empire either when using his mod).
– If you like the mod be sure to rate it ????
If the galaxy isn’t showing up then you must delete the settings file (settings.txt) in your stellaris documents folder. And then re-enable the mod.
C:UserstommyDocumentsParadox InteractiveStellaris
(instead of tommy use your username)
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