Trait Collection For Stellaris

Trait Collection For Stellaris
– Last Update: 1.6
– This mods adds more than 70 new traits to the game.
– Multiplayer Compatible.
– I strongly recommend using a mod that extends the Gene modification UI to fit all traits.
– F.e.: GeneMod_UI_PlusPlus
– English (displayed for other common language packages too)
Negative Traits:
-3: Amorphous: Building Time +20% | Building Cost +20%
-3: Gluttony: Consumer Good Cost +25% | Food Required +30%
-3: Desolate: Happiness -10% | Unity Output -10%
-2: Clumsy: Leader Age -15 | Tile Engineering Output -5% | Tile Physics Output -5%
-2: Shortsighted: Fleet Damage -10%
-2: Clueless: Leader Experience Gain -35%
-2: Melancholic: Happiness -10%
-2: Gradual Breeders: Growth Speed -20%
-2: Intolerant: Government Ethic Attraction: -25% | Other Species Happiness -5%
-2: Unreliable: Tile Mineral Output -15%
-2: Thefthanded: Tile Energy Output -15%
-2: Lazy: Tile Food Output -18%
-1: Unprecise Engineers: Tile Engineering Output -15%
-1: Illogical Physicists: Tile Physics Output -15%
-1: Disinterested Sociologists: Tile Society Output -15%
-1: Violent: Growth Speed -5% | Other Species Happiness -5%
Positive Traits:
1: Prepared Explorers: Ship Auto Repair +5% | Emergency FTL Damage -75%
1: Influencable: Edict Cost -15%
1: Simplistic: Corvette Build Cost -30% | Battleship Build Cost +15%
1: Complicated: Corvette Build Cost +30% | Battleship Build Cost -15%
1: Solid Habitability +15% | Growth Speed -40%
1: Fragile: Habitability -15% | Growth Speed +40%
1: Slave Specialization Minerals: Slave Mineral Output +20% | Slave Food Output -10%
1: Slave Specialization Minerals: Slave Mineral Output -10% | Slave Food Output 20%
1: Dumb: Happiness +20% | Tile Research Output -15%
1: Screw The Rules: Government Ethic Attraction -20% | Tile Energy Output 20%
1: Natural Scented: Trust Growth +25%
1: Curious: Tile Research Output +5%
1: Skyborn: Fleet Damage +6%
1: Multitasking: Survey Speed +30%
1: Cautious: Anomaly Fail Risk -15%
1: Perceptive: Anomaly Discovery Chance +10%
1: Short Tempered: Rivalry Infl. Gain +40%
1: Competetive Culture: Max Rivalries +2
1: Forgotten Past: Tomb World Habitability +50%
1: United Intentions: Tile Unity Output +10%
1: Architect: Building Cost -20%
2: Terraformer: Terraforming Cost -50% | Clear Blocker Cost -30% | Clear Blocker Time -30%
2: Interstellar Network: Planet Border Range +10% | Planet Sensor Range +10%
2: Relentless Defenders: Garrison Health +200% | Fortification Defense +100%
2: Convincing: Influence Gain +0.75
2: Very Influenceable: Edict Cost -30%
2: Asteroid Colonist: Military Station Upkeep -75%
2: Space Builder: Mining Station Build Cost -50%
2: Skylord: Fleet Damage +12%
2: Lucky: Happiness +10%
2: Proficient: Leader Experience Gain +50%
2: United Ambitions: Tile Unity Output +20%
3: Archivists: Leader Skill Levels +1 | Leader Pool Size +2 | Max Minerals/Energy +30000
3: Tolerant: Government Ethic Attraction +20% | Other Species Happiness +10%
3: Nemesis Oriented: Other Species Happiness -5% | Rivalry Infl. Gain +60% | Max Rivalries + 3
3: Artificial Digestion: Food Required -40%
3: Clone: Growth Speed +40% | Tile Unity Output -10%
3: United Will: Tile Unity Output +30%
3: Cybernetic Enhancements: Consumer Good Cost +25% |
Army Damage +30% | Research Speed +15%
3: Kybernetic Enhancements: Consumer Good Cost +25% |
Leader Age +10 | Tile Mineral/Energy/Food Output +10%
3: Conductive Membrane: Ship Upkeep -50%
3: Symbiotic: Tile Food Output +15% | Happiness +5%
3: Very Modest: Consumer Good Cost -45%
4: Collaborative: Government Ethic Attraction: +50%
4: Born Miners: Tile Mineral Output: +30%
4: Born Traders: Tile Energy Output +30%
4: Born Harvesters: Tile Food Output: +30%
4: Very Intelligent: Tile Research Output +20%
5: Intergalactic Supplier: Other Species Happiness +10% | Trust Growth +30% | Influence Gain +1
5: Space Aspiration: Ship Build Time -30% | Ship Build Cost -20% | Naval Capacity +20%
Additional Information:
– Several Traits will only be active if they are applied to your current main species.
This is due to an event based System which unlocks new possibilities.
Events get updated annually or on modification.
– Feel free to use it.
– Please credit when utilizing parts of the mod otherwise.
– Ideas, balance recommendations and any kind of constructive feedback are welcome.
Thanks to:
– This mod has been possible due to the structure of the Additional Traits mod.
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