Totalitarian Human Portraits Stellaris

Totalitarian Human Portraits Stellaris
This started as a quick test of the limitations of the portrait system. I’ve uploaded it here incase anybody wants to play around with a less sci-fi set of human portraits. This mod will replace the defaul human portraits, and is ironman compatible. The replacement portraits are not static, and remain animated.
Incase anybody’s curious, the uniforms are:
Ruler – Tzar Nicholas II’s Hussar Jacket
Scientist – Black Three Button Suit
General – Soviet Red Army General’s Jacket (With Soviet Submariner Captain’s Shoulder Boards)
Admiral – Soviet Submariner Captain Jacket
Governer – Soviet Red Army General’s Jacket
Ruler – Princess Louise of Prussia’s Hussar Jacket
Scientist – United States Naval Officer’s Jacket
General – Soviet Red Army General’s Jacket (With Soviet Submariner Captain’s Shoulder Boards)
Admiral – Soviet Submariner Captain Jacket
Governer – Soviet Red Army General’s Jacket
i… what is it compatible with?