Svafa’s Expanded Species Traits Stellaris

Svafa’s Expanded Species Traits Stellaris
This mod adds over 30 new species traits. It is focused on adding new and evocative options to fulfil those scifi fantasies that the base options didn’t quite allow. A complete list can be found in the related discussion.
Mod should be updated and compatible with 1.7.2. No major changes with the new patch.
This mod does not overwrite any base files, so should be compatible with all other mods. I’ve also done my best not to create any overlap with other traits mods, so that you shouldn’t have duplicate traits if used together.
SilentK1tt3n’s Traits & Ethics mod expands the number of trait points you start with, as well as a few other features, and is compatible with mine.
Latest Changes
I’ve added Spillik’s Russian translation.
Violent has been renamed Bloodthirsty for compatibility with Additional Traits.
Parthenogenetic and Cannibalistic have been changed to affect growth speed, as the growth time variable was removed.
I’ve followed Granhyt’s lead on his Additional Traits mod, and have changed the names for all traits for better compatibility. This does mean custom empires using my traits will no longer have them, but they can be added back by editing the empire. For those wanting to use console commands to target traits, the new naming scheme is trait_svafa_ followed by the trait name, replacing spaces with underscores. The three traits (Eidetic Memory, Electrogenic Defense, Lithovore) have also been fixed in the process.
Thanks to:
NordikaMan for the awesome icon graphics he created for the mod. Without his icon art, the mod would just look bland and boring!
Kasu por su traddución al español.
Spillik for his Russian translation.
Granhyt and salvadore for the work they did on using events with traits, which helped me resolve issues with several of my own traits. And saved me numerous headaches I’m sure. Check out Granhyt’s mod Additional Traits. I’ve tested the newest version of the mod alongside his to make sure they were compatible.
All the commenters for the ideas, input, and help tracking bugs on traits. You guys are great! ????
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