+Stellaris Evolved Classic Mod

+Stellaris Evolved Classic Mod
Stellaris + Evolved Classic
Stellaris + Evolved Classic builds upon the older version of stellaris classic expanding into new directions while keeping a connection with the vanilla game elements.
Reiteating for people who missed the credits: I stand in the shoulders of giants, first and foremost a big thanks to Wolin for allowing me to continue the classic stellaris evolved. 99% of the assets, code and work here are his original work. (I hope to be able to expand it!)
Known Issues:
Sectoring planets that need a lot of influence maintenance can be disastrous as influence flows FROM sectors to the empire and not the other way. So if a sector doesn’t have enough internal influence production to mantain a research planet for instance, it’ll stall all activities.
Upgrading basic industries into refineries is a bit tricky. Stellaris only enables the upgrades to the top-leftmost industry tile at a time. You need to improve it to a desired refinery or to medium industry before the options will show on the next basic industry.
Compatibility Patches
Realspace Patch
Planetary Diversity Patch
Mod Features
More than 80 new buildings with a reworked planet development mechanic
17 New tile-based strategic resources
Now planets have up to 5 specializations that determines how they develop.
Hability to colonice asteroids, molten worlds and gas giants with their unique resources and buildings
More politics to customize your empire, from education system to Fleet Quality vs Quantity
Colonization events ala Galactic Civ III
Dynamic contamination mechanic for Industrial Worlds
New Pop Factions (one for now, more coming soon)
Expanded Federations with votes and laws that let you customize how your federation works
Overall improved how the AI/sectors builds and develop
More to come
Planet Development
Now colonies develop into specialiced planets, making you choose what is the best based on the planet strategic resources and your own needs. The specializations are:
Citadel Worlds: Basically your overall choice for growing pops and making food, also is a good choice to generate energy income.
Industrial Worlds: Ideal for producing minerals, the only planets where you can mine strategic resources and create heavy industry and refineries. But be carefull, people usually is very unhappy here due to harsh and heavy work conditions… also is good to keep an eye on contamination levels (represented as planet modifiers).
Research Worlds: Worlds dedicated to technological development, usualy Tomb worlds are ideal for this, but you can make them anywhere. Research worlds can have massive adjacency bonuses from data centers and supercomputers, but require data streams from network nodes based on your other planets.
Also unhabitable worlds such as asteroids, molten worlds and gas giants can be colonized from midgame onwards, they have unique and abundant resources. Asteroids and molten worlds can be developed into mining colonies, and gas giant into gas extraction platforms. They offer new platforms for increasing minerals income at the expensve of energy.
Unhabitable worlds will appear under the “Habitat” tab on the outliner to prevent spam.
Strategic Resources
Strategic resources are scatered around the planets replacing almost all the sources of resources from vanilla, they work pretty much like betharian stone on vanilla, they let you build unique buildings on top of them. Some of them need certain planet specialization to be built.
This makes planets a bit more interesting and the fact that there are actual resources instead of just “minerals” or “energy” adds to inmersion.
AI and sectors should be able to identify this resources and build according to what’s in the tile.
Federation Expanded
Now you will be able to determine how your federation works, how many power the president has and what your federation politics are.
There are 3 president election methods:
Country election – Every member country has one vote.
Representative – Every pop living in any planet in the federation votes without government interference.
Permanent – The president holds the title for ever.
There are also several levels of centralization on the federation that unlock laws and federation organizations that need to be paid with a budget gathered from every federation member, every law needs to be proposed and voted depending yon the vote method your federation has.
Any member can propose a law change every 10 years using an option found under the politics tab.
Budget is gathered reducing the resources generation of each member and gives the president influence bonus, this influence is used by the current president to pay for the diferent federation institutios such as the research or the health institute.
This mod replaces a lot of vanilla files, because of that it will be pretty much incompatible with anything except ship related mods such as ISBS series. Anything that changes or replaces one of the folowing vanilla files should be incompatible:
If you use it with some mod that changes this file one of the two mods WILL NOT WORK.
I plan on adding compatibility to select mods. However for most other stuff you are on your own.
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