Starcraft mod for Stellaris Mod

Starcraft mod for Stellaris Mod
Updated for 1.6.
This mod adds a few things from the starcraft universe. The diffrent race and fractions.
This mod adds:
-Special Buildings for the 3 diffrent species.
-Special governemnts and traits for every fraction.
-Zerg can infest worlds with their buildings
-zerg ships based on the swarm models of the prethyorn scourge
-protoss can build probes (ai-policy needs to be on servitude or citizen rights)
– Khalai protoss purify Zerg infested worlds
-Flags matching wwith the fractions
-animated portraits for protoss. tal’darim and nerazim
-khalai protoss name list
-unique personalities for every fraction
-home systems for every faction
First time that i created personalities. If you encounter any problems or the fraction don’t behave as they should. please leave comment.
Alternative ships or Ships seen in the pictures:
or if you like more fungoid designs
The Protoss portraits and cities are based on ilossaa’s mod and were modified by me for taldarim and nerazim looks
Thanks ilossaa for the permission! ????
Please mind that the Builings are bind to the governments. So don’t change the governments!
If you have and ideas or see some bugs feel free to leave a comment
I try my best for balancing it. Updates will come and I hope I can get it balanced well. I test it a lot and work at it
I still try to do models. But help by a good modeller for protoss ships would be nice
I don’t know why but the AI takes the sentence “You must build additional Pylons” far to serious. AI build so much pylons and i don’t know why.^^
Future plans:
more buildings
Korupulu sector systems
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