Star Wars: Mirialan Species For Stellaris

Star Wars: Mirialan Species For Stellaris
This mod adds Mirialans as a playable species to the game. The static 2D portrait models were taken from Star Wars: The Old Republic. Many thanks to Philaxos for providing all of them!
This mod includes:
– 6 female phenotypes
– 5 male phenotypes
All of them can be used as leader of your faction. Additionally, each of them is assigned to a specific job, so that every job has at least 1 female and 1 male version (governor, scientist, general, admiral, population).
Also included:
– name list with with female and male Mirialan first names and surnames, ship names and planet names taken from Star Wars wikis; I invented the planet names for the Mirial System since there is no information about them
– name list without planet names in case you use a Star Wars Galaxy Map Mod (optional file, the main file must replaced manually in common/name_lists)
– species preset “Spiritualistic Mirialan Commonality” with the following aspects:
* theocratic republic because Mirialans are said to be very spiritualistic and have a strong connection to the Force
* spiritualist (see above)
* pacifist because Mirialans are said to be excellent negotiatiors and diplomats
* xenophile because Mirialans can be found across the galaxy and became more diverse through contact with other species
* adaptive (see above)
You can find the Mirialans under Appearance/Mammalian.
Please check out my other mod:
Star Wars: Twi’lek Species
Star Wars: Sith Empire
Star Wars: Zabrak Species
To do list for future updates:
– add more male and female phenotypes
Update Notes:
– added 2 portraits
* male (1 citizen/pop)
* female (1 citizen/pop)
I plan to make more Star Wars species. For this, I will need more SW TOR screenshots of the respective species. If you’d like to contribute to this, please contact me.
If you notice any bugs, please report them to me. If you have any suggestions fixing a reported bug, please feel free to post the solution and I will see if it works. Since I’m totally new to modding, I am grateful for tips, improvement ideas etc.
Copyright claimer: This is a non-profit mod. No copyright infringement is intended. All images belong to their respective trademark owners.
DO NOT reupload this mod and/or any parts of it without my permission. Also DO NOT use this mod and/or parts of it for your own mod or any other project without my permission.
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