Star Wars: The Mandalorians Mod

Star Wars: The Mandalorians Mod
This mod adds a new species to the list under Appearance/Mammalian. The new species is a collection of high quality screenshots from “Star Wars The Old Republic.”
**UPDATE** Added another 10 portraits that work alongside all the others. All 10 are “Neo-Crusader” armor. Also updated the mod pages screenshots to show some of them off. (Features list below is updated accordingly.)
-36 different Phenotypes
-Custom Star Wars namelist. (Planet names are omitted.)
-Custom Mandalorian Faction.
*Fanatic-Militarist & Collectivist.
*Military Dictatorship government.
*Traits are Strong & Resilient
*Spawn is set to “no.” If you want to see them as an AI faction, click edit, then save, and then toggle them to forced spawn.
I did not include the custom flag. There is a mighty fine “Star Wars Emblem Pack” already available on the Workshop if you want it. I highly suggest it.
Don’t forget to leave a comment down below, and rate the mod.
Please check out my other mods
—Star Wars: Hutt Species—
—Star Wars: The Old Republic Portrait Pack—
Copyright disclaimer: This is a non-profit mod. No copyright infringement is intended. Star Wars belongs to it’s registered trademark owners.
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