Shadow’s Advantage Report [Utopia 1.5] Mod

Shadow’s Advantage Report [Utopia 1.5] Mod
Advantage Report is a very simple mod (that was a devilish PitA to implement) that serves the player a fully-fluffed menu of options upon game start, allowing them to choose to apply a malus or bonus to their ships’ weapon damage, hit points, shield points and armor of +/- 50, 25, or 10%. Choosing to apply no bonus is always an option, of course. Use it for testing, to give yourself a challenge, or a nice comfortable edge, it’s up to you.
If you liked this mod, or even if you didn’t, check my workshop to see my others.
[NOTICE:] No permissions, real or implied, exist for anybody to copy and paste my work and reupload it to the Workshop or to other modding sites under their name, without my explicit prior approval. If you want to modify my mod for your personal use and/or the use of your friends only, you are heartily welcome to do so. If you wish to open up my mod to see how I made my mod to get an idea for how to make yours, you are more than welcome to do so; reverse-engineering is a right enshrined in law.
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