SD’s Formation Tweaks Stellaris

SD’s Formation Tweaks Stellaris
OK. This is mostly a visual improvment mod, it makes the formations wider by about 50% or so, but makes them MUCH taller, that is, the ceiling and floor is much wider than before. I think it looks a lot nicer, especially when you have really big ships. It does this for fighters and bombers too, hopefully make the swarm whirlwind a bit more interesting to look at. This actually does effect combat slightly btw, because some ships will just be farther out. But.. it looks a lot nicer.
Hey, maybe that’s a reason to have two admirals and split your doom stack lol.
It makes one gameplay tweak, the “combat back off rate”. When a ship is supposed to stay at range, it really doesn’t put much effort into that. It just goes “uuuh I’m too close, I’ll turn away ever so slightly…” well that annoys me. So I made this value much higher, ships will put serious effort into staying at range now.
(Some testing obserations: I think this looks A LOT better than default. But you might need some extra PD due to increased spacing between ships, the altitude doesn’t seem to matter though. Ships DO back off properly now, and will even turn away from their enemy to gain distance if necessary. Its nice when a tweak does what you want it too!).
— 1.5.* compatible (tweaks values in defines, doesn’t overwrite the whole file)
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