((-NSC Addon – Vanilla Icon Restoration Mod-))

((-NSC Addon – Vanilla Icon Restoration Mod-))
New Ship Classes & More – Vanilla Icon Restoration Addon
What does this addon do?
With the release of NSC 6.0, the NSC Component Feature was added, which also tweaked certain vanilla components as needed, including vanilla icons in order to make the progression from level 1 to 10 feel natural.
This addon returns the changed component icons back to their vanilla counterparts.
This addon is NOT RECOMMENDED for anyone who activates uses the NSC Components (because they don’t have ESC, BOSP, or Crystallis), because the color changes makes the leveling system more natural and uniform. However, for those of you who do use another component mod or just don’t like the new look of the vanilla component icons, this mod is here for you.
This addon will NOT work without NSC Main or Streamlined! You need ONE OR THE OTHER mod listed on the right side of this page. NSC Main and Streamlined cannot work together. This Addon will work with both, just not all 3 together.
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