!No More Negative Fleet Strength For Stellaris

!No More Negative Fleet Strength For Stellaris
Updated for 1.7 and fixed the numbers so it is rather close to intended 1/2 value.
Negative Fleet Strength, or more precisely, value overflow, has been existed due to the fact that Paradox still refuses to change the values into 64-bit integers.
It means once your fleet’s strength exceeds 2.1million, it goes to negative.
Problem is that AI uses this fleet power to decide how to react to player’s. Which means, once you get negative fleet power fleet, all of your vassals and tribunes will revolt and you will get war declaration from all of your rivals, thinking you have no fleet.
This problem also extends to AI vs AI in very late game.
This mod tries to fix this issue by just halve the value of the fleet strength. Only fleet power numbers get halved. No change on firepower or anything that actually impact the performance of the battle units.
Some unintentional effect is that since several events, such as awakening FE relies on fleet power number, they may be awaken later than supposed to.
ISB Mod already has this safe guard embedded, but people who do not use ISB Balance mod, but use various ship components mod such as my weapon mods, Crystallis Expansion, TFW’s Ship components mod and/or new ship classes like NSC will most likely encounter this negative fleet strength problem. This tiny mod will reduce the fleet power number without the use of ISB mod.
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