Mourne – Galaxy Initializers Mod

Mourne – Galaxy Initializers Mod
Mod Description
Adds in six new galaxy sizes and edits the vanilla galaxies’ permitted ranges for AI and special empires to allow for more control over the starting parameters. Wanted to start a game with no other empires? Now you can. Feel like a game with as many Fallen Empires as possible? Go for it.
This mod changes nothing else about galaxy generation, since it was as much created from frustration with existing mods that modify the galactic core and empire spawning as from a desire for singleplayer testing universes with no AI. With this mod, you won’t spawn in the galactic core, or have your empire automatically destroyed on game start by having an AI empire placed atop of it!
This mod should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t overwrite files in the “Stellaris > Map > Setup_Scenarios” folder.
Mod Contents
Quantum Galaxy: 25 stars
Nano Galaxy: 75 stars
Tiny Galaxy: (as vanilla, permitted parameters expanded)
Small Galaxy: (as vanilla, permitted parameters expanded)
Medium Galaxy: (as vanilla, permitted parameters expanded)
Large Galaxy: (as vanilla, permitted parameters expanded)
Huge Galaxy: (as vanilla, permitted parameters expanded)
Vast Galaxy: 1250 stars
Expansive Galaxy: 1500 stars
Giant Galaxy: 2000 stars
Titanic Galaxy: 2500 stars
Nota Bene: I designed this for my own use. Feel free to provide feedback or suggestions, but I cannot guarantee that I will continue to develop this modification. Enjoy.
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