More Tilesets For Stellaris

More Tilesets For Stellaris
This mod adds tilesets and portraits for AI and Tomb Worlds, and a ringworld tileset. Updated to 1.5.0 (Banks).
Stellaris currently uses the tundra tileset and portrait for Tomb Worlds and the tropical tileset and portraits for Ringworlds. This mod aims to add unique tilesets and portraits for each of these. I have decided upon a green hued blasted wasteland for Tomb Worlds.
Gaia world tileset
Tomb World portrait
Tomb World tileset
AI world tileset
Ringworld tileset
Gaia world tileset no longer needed
Other mods:
Planetary Computer
Better Night Lights
Terraformed Sol Start
This mod makes changes to Stellariscommonplanet_classes0_planet_classes.txt, specifically pc_gaia and pc_nuked classes.
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