!Mod Menu Stellaris

!Mod Menu Stellaris
This is a mod resource for mods that use Mod Menu.
Corrently supported mods:
Board That Ship!
New Ship Classes & More
New Ship Classes & More: Streamlined
Playable Guardians
Harder Invaders
Human Fallen Empires
Explanation for users:
You need to subscribe to this mod only if it is necessary to access the menu.
Some mods can have menu files locally. In this mod always will be the latest version of menu files that can solve compatibility problems.
Also added shortcut, you can get menu by “F1” + “q”.
Explanation for modmakers:
This mod contains files that add a button (and other stuff) to call the menu.
You can add your mods, the only requirement is global flag for the trigger (for example, autobuild_installed).
How it works:
The new button will invoke a menu event, and each option available from this menu will call an event or menu from each mod available to control it’s features or settings. See one of the supported mods above for specific examples.
You can add your own menu to this system to give your mod cool settings, some new game features, call for debugging of coding without using the console (usefull for ironmen), or something else, there are many possibilities.
How to set global flag
How to make menu
How to deal with resources of Mod Menu
Write, if you have any suggestions or questions, or if you want to write something.
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