Horizon Signal Fix Mod

Horizon Signal Fix Mod
As of 1.5, the Horizon Signal chain is broken. What was, unfortunately, will never be ????
The reason for that is the way they put the research weight in the files. They gave the tier 3 (omega alignment) tech 2 requirements (first two loop techs), but ALSO gave it a weight of 0, and then modified that weight by +60 if you have first 2 techs.
This makes no sense as it basically asks for same requirement twice. And it also doesn’t work, because i dont know why, it’s code, code doesn’t need reason to stop working.
Anyways, i’ve gone and fixed it. I did not change ANYTHING – the requirements for the Omega Alignment tech to appear are still exactly same as they were before – its just now the tech will actually appear as an option when you research first 2, as intended, instead of never popping up.
Enjoy your worm hugs.
Overrides horizonbuildings.txt
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