Hearts of Iron IV Music Mod

Hearts of Iron IV Music Mod
This mod adds the official Hearts of Iron IV music into Stellaris. Please note that this mod does not override the default music it just adds the HOI4 music into the general game play list.
Song List:
Main Theme
Morning of D-day
The Royal Airforce
Song For the Children of WWII
Axis Theme
Comintern Theme
End of the Tour
Hearts of Men
Bring Forth the Tanks
The Attack
Heavy Water
Luftwaffe Strikers Again
Mother Russia
Operation Barbarossa
Soviet Victory
The Great Patriotic War
The Might of Soviet Union
The Red Army
The War Ends
Days of Thunder
We Are Soldiers
Should work fine with all other mods that add music into Stellaris. If not please let me know.
All credits and copyrights go to Paradox Interactive for creating the Hearts of Iron IV OST.
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