Gwen’s Leader Flaws and Virtues Stellaris

Gwen’s Leader Flaws and Virtues Stellaris
What This Mod Does
1) This mod adds two specialized trait types. Flaws which grant trait points to leaders allowing them to have more traits, and virtues which cost 2 or more trait points. A two point virtue is as good as two and a half traits. A three point virtue is as good as four traits. A four point virtue is as good as six traits.
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Latest Update
Updated to 1.4.0
Restored General traits that were disabled. They seem to be working now.
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Companion Mods
Tech Weights Addon
This mod is not yet updated. I could use help updating it.
Allowing traits to affect tech weights requires editing the core tech files. Doing this causes incompatibilities with other mods. For this reason I put the tech weight modifications as their own add-on mod as this mod functions alright without them.
Species Trait Mods
Gwen’s Zero Cost Traits
This mod adds 50 traits that all balanced around costing 0 points.
Gwen’s Simple Traits
This mod adds over 200 new simple species traits.
Gwen’s Starting Techs
This mod adds over 60 traits that cover a lot of early game techs.
Gwen’s Complex Traits
Adds a bunch of flavorful traits that do things like add species specific edicts, buildings, components, and techs.
Leader Trait Mods
Gwen’s Leader Flaws and Virtues
This mod adds negative traits that grant more positive traits. It also has amazing positive traits that can only show up if a leader has a negative trait.
Gwen’s Misc Leader Traits
Adds over 50 leader traits. Stand alone companion mod to Flaws and Virtues
Misc Mods
Gwen’s New Subject Types
Adds 5 new subjects types to the game.
No Federations
This mod removes federations from the game. That is all.
Gwen’s Space Cowpoke Namelist
This mod adds a new namelist inspired by a line in Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead Or Alive”. Specifically the line “On a steel horse I ride.” Ship names are a combination of a metal and a real life horse breed. Every possible combination exists.
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