Grand Crusade Sangiunius Stellaris

Grand Crusade Sangiunius Stellaris
a 40K mod Grand Crusade / blood Angels Sangiunius.
-Adds a custom Empire : Imperium Secundus lead by Emperor Sangiunius
-Adds custom Leader Portraits + custom ruler portraits
-Uses the base human population though.
-2 custom flags
-Custom trait for the Baal Strain Humans *msotly to affect leaders*
-Custom name List
-custom civic
-Custom Combat unit ; Adeptes Astartes Blood Angels: Extremely expensive but powerfull, but availeble at the start of the game. * I have no real experiance with custom Army units , so I have no idea if the ai will use them*
Custom Sangiunius Primarch Trait : + description , but has to be added via this command via cheats to make your hero get it.
add_trait_leader 0 trait_ruler_PrimarchSanguinius
For Maximum Fun, I suggest taking cool 40k mods and a mod to select Ruler Traits for the Primarch
P.S: I might update this mod further , perhaps a custom homeworld / System and I might make more 40k Astartest legion mods , perhaps even combine all in one ,or an Emperor of Mankind even idk.
“For the Emperor and Sanguinius! Death! DEATH!”
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