Gameplay Improvements Stellaris

Gameplay Improvements Stellaris
Updated for 1.5.1 and added/removed some features
This mod is improving the gameplay to make the game feel more enjoyable and less clunky.
It contains some fixes, adjustments and improvements to strange numbers and adds some features.
It also contains all changes made by our other mod Lower Warscore which only changes Vassal and Cede-Planet cost (so you don’t need both mods)
Changes made so far:
War score for vassalization and ceding planets reduced by a good amount
Small and medium empires can be vassalized again, ceding planets of bigger empires is much cheaper now to handle them properly in 2-3 wars instead of 5+
Truce time reduced from 10 -> 5 years to counter the waiting times, especially in the late game
Revoking planets from a sector costs reduced from 25 -> 15 influence
Occupying a planet gives a minimum warscore amount of 7 instead of 5(wargoal planets should give about 10 now)
Debris analyzing time reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds
Betharian power plants now give 15 instead of 10 energy
Recently conquered modifier is reduced to 5 years to better fit the truce time
Increased the ground support bombarding for limited and full from 40% -> 45%, 50% -> 60% and 60% -> 75% to better fit the policies
Reduced leader pool lead time from 10 -> 5 years to increase the chance of getting the one you need
Only hyperlane setting shouldn’t allow psi jump drives to be researched
Psi-Jumpdrives are not disabled by default(like other mods do)
When you choose to start a game with the Hyperlane-FTL only setting no empire is able to research the Psi-Jumpdrives
Only Fallen Empires have their Jumpdrive tech
Jump Drives can be researched by special projects since Banks update
If you have Utopia DLC, Psi-Jumpdrives are disabled by default
Big fleets give more warscore
Increased the effects of planet edicts by doubling their values in most cases(they were to weak in lategame and you most likely won’t have enough influence to spam them in earlygame)
Reduced Tech-Cost increase of colonies from 10% to 5%
Increased the prescripted ideal planet minimum size from 12 to 14 and 14 to 16(The game generates two ideal planets for every empire)
Changed Spaceport Naval Capacity from 2/4/6/9/12/15 to 3/5/7/9/12/15
Reduced Purge time to 36, 60, 120 months
Spiral Feed Powerhub now gives 15% energy instead of 20% but its buildable alongside the normal Powerhubs
Loop Temple is now empire unique, society research increased from 4 to 10, gives 10% planet happiness and 5% global government ethics attraction
Buffed some Empire edicts
Increased Food needed per pop and Growth boost from surplus food
Megastructures are buildable at the same time
Doubled science nexus research output
Mega Engineering research now requires less and gives more mineral storage and 5% global mineral output
Buffed Discovery Tradition Faith in science, assist research now gives 25% unity and more happiness
Doubled Harmony Finishing effect and added 5% global government ethics attraction
Added 5% Minerals to Prosperity Finisher effect, increased administrative operations building upkeep reduction to 15%
Reduced Border range increase of Supremacy to 15%
Buffed some Ascension Perks
Compatible with most common mods, any cosmetic mod, any mod adding new components, buildings, etc or any mod not changing the files listed below.
Any Mod changing 00_buildings.txt, 00_static_modifiers.txt, 00_war_demand_types.txt, 00_soc_tech.txt, 00_eng_tech.txt, 01_planetary_edicts.txt or empire_initializers.txt is partially incompatible(overwriting changes)
Fixed a bug so our change to the blockade multiplier(more warscore from blockades) didn´t do anything cause Paradox ♥♥♥♥ed up some numbers
Implemented the “Only hyperlane setting shouldn’t allow psi jump drives to be researched” feature.
Increased the warscore you get from spacebattle
Admiral generation when winning fights slightly reduced. Chances to get good traits for the current commanding admiral increased
Added some galaxy types with less clustered starts (not as extreme as other mods)
Reduced the costs for the popfaction action “Bribe Leaders” to 200/100 from 200/200
Fixed a “can’t divide by zero” error in the Lower Warscore part of the mod
Updated the Lower Warscore part
Vassalization costs now scale with the attackers size as well(the more planets/pops on the attackers side the lower the warscore will get)
Fixed the Psi-Jumpdrive disable
Fixed the Psi-Jumpdrive disable(again)
Buffed planet edicts
Reduced Tech-Cost increase of colonies from 10% to 5%
The Abandon Planet Wargoal is now available to all Empires except Xenophiles and Pacifists
Removed “Sector AI focus on minerals/science/energy credits is stronger and more reliable now”
Removed “The AI is willing to give civil access more often”
Removed “Fixed sector AI food management (less starvation)”
Changed “Lowering admiral generation spam when fighting a lot of battles”
Increased the prescripted ideal planet minimum size from 12 to 14 and 14 to 16
Fixed an Error in 00_soc_tech.txt (Shoutout to 7-)
Mineral Silo rank 2 now gives 2 Mineral-Bonus and rank 3 gives 3
Betharian Plant now gives 8,10,12,15 instead of 6,8,10,12
Reduced Purge time to 12 Months
Removed some features
Changed lower warscore part: liberating planets is now much cheaper
Updated lower warscore part: Capitals are now cheaper like in vanilla
Updated tech: Frontier Hospital can now be build
Removed Mineral Silo Buff
Spiral Feed Powerhub now gives 15% energy instad of 20% but its buildable alongside the normal Powerhubs
Power plants add energy storage removed
Betharian Powerplant energy production increased from 10 to 15
Loop Temple is now empire unique, society research increased from 4 to 10, gives 10% planet happiness and 5% government ethics attraction empirewide
Buffed some Empire edicts
Increased Food needed per pop and Growth boost from surplus food
Megastructures dont block each other, doubled science nexus research output, Mega Engineering research now requires less and gives more mineral storage and 5% global mineral output
Buffed Discory Tradition Faith in science, assist research now gives 25% unity and more happiness
Doubled Harmony Finishing effect and added 5% government ethics attraction
Added 5% Minerals to Properity Finisher effect, increased administrative operations building upkeep reduction to 15%
Reduced Border range increase of Supremacy to 15%
Buffed some Ascension Perks
If you have new ideas, criticism or kind words for us, leave a comment below and we will look into it. Thanks! ????
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