Ethic&Governement Rebuild patch Stellaris Mod

Ethic&Governement Rebuild patch Stellaris Mod
Little “patch” for the latest version of “Ethic&Governement Rebuild” reverting two changes not everyone is happy about.
-Ethic points back to 7.
-Taken down the tradition limit.
If you prefer having more ethic points so you can pick all the ethics also subscribe to my 99 ethic points mod.
No vanilla files changed.
Obviosuly need Petruxa’s great Ethic&Governement Rebuild mod. Without E&GR this patch will only increase to 7 your ethic poitsn without any other function.
The patch is compatible with the Alphamod version of Ethic&Governement rebuild.
I take no credit over Petruxa’s work, I merely tweaked a few values in separate files.
If you like value tweaking, feel free to check my other mod: Fulgrim’s Gameplay Tweaks ????
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