Epic Galaxies – Make Space Bigger Stellaris

Epic Galaxies – Make Space Bigger Stellaris
Compatible with 1.6
This mod scales down FTL speed, sensors and border extrusion to make the galaxy feel much larger. It’s roughly scaled down to be a quarter of the standard size and speed.
It does NOT add more stars to the galaxy (Epic Galaxies – Size, Shape and Core – does though).
This mod serves two purposes:
1) To make most galaxy sizes feel larger due to the relatively slower traver and smaller borders. Galaxies up to a few thousand stars will experience this effect.
2) Truly massive galaxies, say 5000 stars or more, will feel a bit more reasonable in terms of gameplay (it will still be visually quite dense of course).
I reduced the size of the star icons on the galactic view, removed the hexagon borders around stars, and made the map 2d. This mod was initially aimed at galaxy sizes larger than the regular game, where star density is significantly increased. The changes significantly reduce visual clutter.
There has been a fair amount of interest in a patch for NSC, so that will come soon.
This is a bit experimental on my part so feel free to leave any feedback on the balancing or if I’ve overlooked something.
Gameplay Mods
Asymmetric Starts – Better Advanced AI starts for variety and challenge.
Make Space Bigger – Scales down FTL speed, sensors and border extrusion to make the galaxy feel larger..
UI Mods
Dark UI – A restyle of the UI.
Colour Coded Messages – Included in Dark UI.
Alernate Icons – Ethic, Civic and Trait icons recoloured.
Clean Space – Makes the galaxy and system views cleaner by removing UI objects such as orbital lines etc.
Subtle Hyperlanes – Tones down the hyperlane colour
Graphic Mods
No Exhaust Trails – Removes exhaust trails from ships
Galaxy Sizes, Shape, Cores, Textures
Size, Shape and Core – Larger galaxy sizes, adjusted shape and adds galatic cores.
Galaxy Texture 1 -Galaxy recolour
Galaxy Texture 2 – Galaxy recolour
Galaxy Texture 3 – Galaxy recolour
Dim Core – Makes the core far less bright.
Galaxies Colours Restored – Restores galaxy colours to the default galaxy view.
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