Desert Froggo’s Flag Collection Mod

Desert Froggo’s Flag Collection Mod
This is a comprehensive pack of flag emblems and backgrounds that I’ve added into my game. There are currently the following categories:
~ Crop Signs: derived from various crop circle images found throughout the web.
~ Earth Flags: inspired from factions in Earth’s history with some fictionalization.
~ Earth Religions: symbols from various religions around the world.
~ Warhammer 40K: symbols from the Warhammer 40K universe.
~ Star Trek: emblems of the various factions in the Star Trek universe.
~ Originals: emblems that I have created myself.
~ Games: symbols from video games.
I enjoy growing this mod so I encourage you to make requests! Unless it’s something too inappropriate or doesn’t display very well in the game, I will most likely oblige.
I also take donations through Square Cash.[]
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