(-(CP: Improved Space Battles Doomsday – Realistic Ships Mod)-)

(-(CP: Improved Space Battles Doomsday – Realistic Ships Mod)-)
ISB = Improved Ship Battles, and refers to ISB Doomsday. ISB Balance is a separate patch.
RS = Realistic Ships, and refers to that mod.
This mod is a compatibility patch for Realistic Ships and Improved Space Battles Doomsday, allowing you to use both mods together properly.
If you do not have ALL the mods listed on the right side of this page do NOT subscribe to this patch.
For those of you who use ISB Balance, even if you also use ISB Doomsday with it, you need the other patch, which you can find here.
This patch edits the following to ensure compatibility between the Improved Space Battles Doomsday mod collection and Realistic Ships:
1. Combined country_types files.
This file combination allows the AI to use both Improved Space Battle’s ship classes and Realistic Ship’s ship classes at the same time. Without this merger, one mod would overwrite the other, and the AI would only use one mod’s ship classes. This way, the AI can use both: using RS ship classes but also unlocking the ISB end-game ship classes later on.
And this is literally all that is needed.
Update 2.0 – 7/12/2017
Updated this particular patch to support ISB Doomsday. ISB Balance required some extra support thus was separated into a new patch.
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