Christmas Holiday Shipsets For Stellaris

Christmas Holiday Shipsets For Stellaris
This Christmas Holiday Shipsets mod aims to add 14 different shipsets to the game, all Christmas themed, with two variations for each species:
The “Nice” Shipsets have white hulls, with green as the secondary color, red tertiary to make it appear Christmasy. They generally have green turrets, strike craft, launchers/droppods, hanger bays, flashing lights, engine particles, science survey beams as well.
The “Naughty” Shipsets have dark hulls, with red as the secondary color, green tertiary to make it appear Christmasy. They generally have red turrets, strike craft, launchers/droppods, hanger bays, flashing lights, engine particles, science survey beams as well.
All Species Shipsets are now included in the Christmas Holiday Shipsets, where you have the following:
Nice/Naughty Arthropoid
Nice/Naughty Avian
Nice/Naughty Fungoid
Nice/Naughty Mammalian
Nice/Naughty Molluscoid
Nice/Naughty Plantoid
Nice/Naughty Reptilian
Now that the mod has all Naughty/Nice Shipsets for all cultures, that’s probably it. I’ll maintain the mod through Paradox Patches, however, since few people have shown true interest in this idea, I will not be making any other shipset types.
Update 1.8 – 3/6/17
Updated mod to support NSC 4.0
All 4/5-section NSC ships will use new death animations.
This mod doesn’t necessarily require any DLCs, however, you will require the Plantoids DLC in order to select or play the Plantoid Christmas Shipsets. I do not have it as a required DLC because it is NOT required for most of the mod. If you want to use the Plantoid shipsets, please purchase the Plantoids DLC, otherwise, enjoy the other shipsets.
While it’s technically not a required mod, it is very highly recommended that you use Antharis’ Stellar Trails Disabler mod in conjuction with this mod. The Disabler mod removes the blue “streak” behind ships whenever they move. This looks particularly strange behind red/green Christmas themed mod ships, thus the need for the mod.
Stellar Trails Disabler mod works with the latest patch. Ignore outdated version warnings!
In order to maximize the Christmas spirit, I am adding in built-in compatibility support for the popular shipsets and other mods. These Christmas Shipsets are fully compatible with the following mods:
ZBeautiful Battles – by Blackthorn (Should be fully compatible)
Downscaled Ships – by Chondrite is now compatible via the Christmas Holiday Shipsets – Downscaled Ship Patch.
New Ship Classes & More V3.0 – by CaptainX3 (Updated to 3.0.16)
ISB Balance by Ankain (Updated to the December 17/18th mod version)
Realistic Ships – by Tal Ara’nh (Updated to 1.4.6)
(Important:: You will also require the use of the Christmas Holiday Shipsets – Realistic Ships Patch in order to use Realistic Ships properly. Without this, not all ships will appear for the mod. Please read the patch’s description for important details.
NOTICE: All the mods supported here may not be compatible with each other, please check each mod page before using them together.
A special thank you to Guilliman: For his excellent white Plantoid shipsets which gave me the headstart I needed to complete them. Original credit for the “Nice Plantoid” Shipset work goes to him.
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