Astro’s Empire Enhancement Stellaris

Astro’s Empire Enhancement Stellaris
This mod is meant to give your empires a little more flavor, including:
– Your starting weapon tech will give you a damage and speed bonus for all weapons of that type (note: kinetics get a small boost; lasers get a larger boost, and missiles get the largest boost; to take into account the current weapon imbalances).
– Increases the size of the traits window when gene modding your species, to account for extra traits.
– Allows for more traits & trait points @ species creation.
– Overwrites the vanilla file species_mod_window.gui
– Should be compatible with all mods, except those that overwrite species_mod_window.gui.
Known Issues / Future Improvements:
– None
Credits / Inspirations:
– N/A
– 20170613: Fixed a localization issue.
– 20170622: Fixed a bug where you can research the starting weapon tech bonii for other weapon techs.
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