Animated Synthetics Portraits – Expanded Stellaris

Animated Synthetics Portraits – Expanded Stellaris
This mod is NOT compatible with Animated Synthetic Portraits, you can be subscribed to both, but start your game with only ONE of them activated, or you will have graphical oddities.
On the other hand, this mod IS compatible with all my other mods, both Animated portraits and dimorphism ones.
I’ve tried to make this mod as compatible as possible, but I had to override a couple of vanilla files to make it work, so there are likely to be conflicts with any other mods that modify the following files:
If you’re looking for a lighter version of this mod that does not affect any vanilla files, I suggest you to subscribe to my Animated Synthetic Portraits mod, which is a purely graphical tweak.
Sorry, while I will keep this mod updated for vanilla (as I do for all my mods), I’m prehemptively saying that I will not create patches to make it compatible with other popular mods (if it isn’t compatible in the first place, which I do not know at the moment.)
I will say though that I’ve scripted this mod to set up a global flag (extended_synths_on) for any game started with it active, which should make it easier for other modders to easily write their code around it (creating “if” alternatives to take in consideration whether my mod is active or not) without the need to create alternative versions.
Known Issues
Due to limitations in the code, already existing droid pops will not automatically upgrade into synths with this mod active after the synth technology has been researched, unless your species belongs to either the humanoid or arthropoid class. Robots will be upgraded into droids normally, and both synths and droids will upgrade properly if the species completes the Synthetic Ascension path.
It’s nothing gamebreaking, just a minor annoyance.
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