Animated Asari Portraits – Mass Effect Stellaris

Animated Asari Portraits – Mass Effect Stellaris
Animated Portrait Set
Animated Asari portraits with clothing and face variations.
Custom Namelist
As close to lore as possible, both for ships and characters.
Custom Trait
Custom racial trait increasing lifespan and ethics divergence. The trait cannot be selected on start, so, in order to use it, you must select the pre-made Empire.
Custom flag
The canon flag of the Asari Republics.
Custom city type
Self explanatory.
Custom Empire
Fanatic xenophile, materialist Direct Republic, using all the contents of this mod.
It is set as forbidden for AI use by default, but you can easily change this setting in game by following the instructions below.
Enabling for the AI
If you want to have the She’sesi be used by the AI as well, there’s a very simple way to do that directly in game.
1) Go to the Empire selection screen (New Game).
2) Select the custom Empire added by the mod.
3) Click Edit.
4) Click Save.
5) Click Back.
6) Scroll up to the new Custom Empire you’ve just duplicated.
7) Click on the little eagle flag on the side of the Empire selection tab until it tells you “Empire Spawning Allowed”.
8) That’s all.
Pretty much everything. I’m not using any vanilla files, so it’s very unlikely for something to conflict. I doubt this mod will conflit with anything at all.
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