AlphaMod: Overlords Mod

AlphaMod: Overlords Mod
Create subject States, Districts, Corporations, Freeports and Foundations.
Requires AlphaMod 1.7.
This mod is complex and fiddly. If you don’t want complex and fiddly features in your game, don’t use this mod.
The ability to create subjects is unlocked by the Frontier Growth technology and then limited by your government’s authority and your empire’s ruling ethics.
All these subjects can colonize, join their overlord’s wars, and call their overlord to their wars.
When you plan to create a subject State, Corporation or District you can first set additional planets in a sector to be handed to the subject when it is created, by using the Mark For Handover planet edict.
To mark a planet for handover it must be in a sector and must have a local government building (any one).
Marking a planet for handover costs: 250 Minerals, 500 Energy and 50 Influence. Edict cost bonuses do not apply.
Obviously, you can change your mind and get an immediate refund by using the Cancel Handover planet edict.
Tech Costs = -99% || Overlord Influence = -0.25 || Minerals Tax = 50% || Energy Tax = 50%
The empire’s authority must NOT be dictatorial, hive-mind or machine consciousness. The empire must NOT be Fanatic Authoritarian. The planet you want to be the capital of a state must meet the following requirements:
It must be in a sector.
It must have a Libray of Administration or Council Hall.
It must be size 11+.
It must not be marked for handover.
The cost to create a state capital is 500 Minerals, 1000 Energy and 200 Influence. Edict cost bonuses do not apply.
Tech Costs = -90% || Overlord Influence = 0 || Minerals Tax = 25% || Energy Tax = 50%
The empire’s authority must NOT be hive-mind or machine consciousness. The empire must NOT be Fanatic Authoritarian or Fanatic Spiritualist. The planet you want to be the headquarters of a corporation must meet the following requirements:
It must be in a sector.
It must have a Chamber of Executives or Corporate HQ.
It must have a Trade Station or Trade Company.
It must be size 10+.
It must not be marked for handover.
The cost to create a corporate capital planet is 250 Minerals, 500 Energy and 100 Influence. Edict cost bonuses do not apply.
Tech Costs = -85% || Overlord Influence = -0.5 || Minerals Tax = 75% || Energy Tax = 75%
The empire’s authority must NOT be hive-mind or machine consciousness. The empire MUST be Fanatic Authoritarian or Fanatic Spiritualist or Fanatic Militarist or Fanatic Xenophobe. The planet you want to be the capital of a district must meet the following requirements:
It must be in a sector.
It must have a Hall of Warriors, Governers Palace, Temple of Rule or Council Hall.
It must be size 10+.
It must not be marked for handover.
The cost to create a district capital planet is 250 Minerals, 500 Energy and 100 Influence. Edict cost bonuses do not apply.
Freeports and Foundations are always created with just a single planet. Any planets marked for handover WILL NOT be handed over to a Freeport or Foundation when it is created.
Tech Costs = -85% || Overlord Influence = +1.0 || Minerals Tax = 10% || Energy Tax = 25%
No empire may create more than one Freeport as a subject.
The empire’s authority must NOT be hive-mind or machine consciousness.
The empire must NOT be Fanatic Authoritarian, Fanatic Spiritualist or Xenophobe or Fanatic Xenophobe.
The planet must be sector controlled and have a spaceport.
The planet must have a Trade Company and is size 13+.
Cost is 500 Minerals, 1500 Energy and 250 Influence. Edict cost bonuses do not apply.
Tech Costs = -99% || Overlord Influence = -1.0 || Minerals Tax = 10% || Energy Tax = 10%
No empire may create more than two Foundations as subjects.
The empire’s authority must NOT be hive-mind or machine consciousness.
The empire MUST be Materialist or Fanatic Materialist.
The planet must be sector controlled and have a spaceport.
The planet must have a Research Capital and is size 15+.
Cost is 5000 Energy and 500 Influence. Edict cost bonuses do not apply.
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