Immersive Galaxy – Planet Variety, Base Stellaris

Immersive Galaxy – Planet Variety, Base Stellaris
PDX textures are great , but they lack variety. Continental planets feel all the same, with little personality and color variance, the worse being the gas giants. Planet Variety aims to greatly enhance the visuals of Stellaris by bringing some much needed diversity for planets.
This “base” mod only contains the new clouds required for the various planet packs, and will be useless alone, please subscribe to the planet pack you want
This mod brings a total of 256 new textures to the original 49 for Arid, Desert, Savannah, Alpine, Arctic, Tundra, Continental, Ocean, Tropical, Gaïa, Tomb, Barren, Cold Barren, Frozen, Gas Giant, and Molten planets.
It does NOT replace ANY vanilla texture, only add new to the existing pool.
You now have 3 choices for installation, modular, mega pack, or lite.
– Modular allow you to choose exactly the textures you want. Like textures for X and not Y, well you can choose, it will clutter your launcher, but nothing beats freedom of choice.
– Mega pack is split in 2 categories: uninhabitable and inhabitable. If you want everything or can’t be bothered with choosing, take these and you’re good to go.
– LITE is for older/less powerful computers, it brings half the textures to increase performance.
Mega planet packs: (recomended)
Uninhabitable contains barren, barren cold, frozen, gas giants, molten and frozen.
Inhabitable contains arid, desert, savannah, ocean, continental, tropical, arctic, alpine, tundra, tomb & gaïa.
Modular planet packs:
Barren: 41 new planets (for a total of 45)
Barren Cold: 41 new planets (for a total of 45)
Arid: 7 new planets (for a total of 10)
Desert: 7 new planets (for a total of 10)
Savannah: 8 new planets (for a total of 10)
Frozen: 27 new planets (for a total of 30)
Alpine: 8 new planets (for a total of 10)
Arctic: 7 new planets (for a total of 10)
Tundra: 7 new planets (for a total of 10)
Gaia: 4 new planets (for a total of 5)
Gas Giant: 54 new planets (for a total of 60)
Molten: 7 new planets (for a total of 10)
Tomb: 9 new planets (for a total of 10)
Continental: 10 new planets (for a total of 15)
Ocean: 7 new planets (for a total of 10)
Tropical: 12 new planets (for a total of 15)
LITE for more performance for the price of less variety.
To do:
Currently trying to make new asteroids and new rings, but the game is having none of it. I’m also considering doing some new shielded, toxic, and infested planets.
Save compatibility:
The mod is completely save game compatible, you can activate/deactivate the mod without impact, the game will take care of swaping textures/entities. A new game is required to have the textures applied.
For older saves, you can use my save game enabler to apply textures on pre existing games, please read the desc before using it.
Planetary Diversity: Compatible, there is no conflict.
Planetary Diversity Reworked: Compatible, there is no conflict.
Real Space: Compatible, minor conflicts about gas giants, my mod incorporate 60 gas giants, real space 43. What happens is that the game load my 60 planets, and real space overwrite the 43 first, gas giants 01 to 05 are from PDX, 06 to 43 are from RS, and 44 to 60 are mine. Both mods run perfectly fine alongside.
Since this mod only add DDS textures and asset files, it is virtually compatible with every mods.
Ironman compatible
Achievment compatible.
You can DL the mod in one go here, on the PDX official forum, you need to be registered and logged in to have access.
This mod is pretty massive, be warned. Its current size is around 2 Go (down from 4), some computers might struggle with this, if yours do, try the LITE version (base mod still required).
– Clouds cut down to 4K for diffuse, 2K for normal, and 1K for shadows (was mistakenly in 8K, should greatly improve performance).
– Clouds texture variety down, from 35 to 15.
– Base mod size down to 210 Mo (from 1500 Mo).
Various :
– Clouds entirely redone, they’re more aesthetically pleasing with more transparency.
– Tomb world variety now 10 (was 6).
– Made some planet packs standalone (barren, cold barren, molten, gas giant & tomb).
– Renamed textures to enhance mod compatibility.
– Save game enabler available, to put new texture on a old save.
– Lite version released, half the textures for less powerful computers.
Tools used:
Space engine (raw textures)
Gimp normal map plugin
Photoshop CS6
Nasalization font
Substance designer
DDS Converter
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