Robots reworked Stellaris

Robots reworked Stellaris
A small mod rebalancing robots/droids/synthetics/cyborgs. Growth speed was buffed (+200%) for all except cyborgs; droids got buff to energy production; mineral production made constant (+15%) for all.
robots / droids / synthetics: +200% growth speed;
robots / droids / synthetics: +15% to mineral production;
robots/ droids / synthetics: +15% to energy production;
robots/droids/ synthetics: +15% to research resources production;
cyborgs: +10% to research, energy and minerals production.
Changes are made by overwriting the corresponding traits in a separate file, therefore this mod should be compatible with everything (except the mods that change robot traits – in this case the changes made by this mod will probably dominate).
If you think that industry-produced mechanical units shall be constructed faster than organics multiply, then put your logical unit at ease and try this mod out! ????
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