Species Fixes For Stellaris

Species Fixes For Stellaris
Species Fixes (No Duplicate Human! & Auto Upgrade Leaders and Armies after gene mod)
Do you think it’s annoying when Commonwealth of Men and United Nations of Earth appears at the same time, multiple human species will be created sometimes?
Do you think it’s annoying when you failed to merge the two different human species via gene modification?
Do you think it’s annoying when you find it out that your current leaders and armies aren’t modified?
Well this mod is just for you.
1. If two or more empires starts the game with the same portrait and same species name, their species will be merged into 1 unique species. If they have different traits, the difference will be preserved and a new sub species is created (still treated as same-species and can be merged again via gene modifications).
2. If you modified all of your owned pops of a species into a new one, you will modify all leaders and armies you own of that species at the same time, as well as colony ships. However, if you are keeping multiple sub species, this event will never trigger, because you have never modified ALL of your owned pops into a new species.
3. Also fixed so that a chosen leader will no longer die because of age when they become the ruler.
v1.01 – Current
– Fixed species trait difference not perfectly preserved.
v1.00 Release version
Known Issues:
1. If two or more players starts the game using the same species, all but one of them will suffer habitability 80%. Don’t worry, if you are playing a single game, your species is always the first and you will always have 100% habitability.
No files were overwritten. Should be compatible with most of other mods.
To Other Mod Authors
You don’t need my permission to use(copy) the features from my mod to make your own mods, because my works are open to and available for everyone. However, if you are in problem making your own mod, I will probably not provide any help.
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