No Station Maintenance Stellaris

No Station Maintenance Stellaris
The old mod that did this is no longer working with the current patch and the only replacement i could find was a no maintenance for EVERYTHING, meaning AI’s were running around with fleets of 20-50K power without having to pay any maintenance for them.
What this mod does is remove the maintenance cost for all stations but not for anything else (IE Ships, Armies, ect…)
Mining Stations
Research Stations
Orbital Stations
Terraforming Stations
Observation Station
Outpost Stations (Both Energy AND Influence)
The only station i did not remove the maintenance for is wormhole stations
I have tested this mod with multiple other mods, i have not had any issues as long as the mods do not modefy any of the maintenance lines in the defines file
Mod updated and has been tested to work with 1.7.*
This is my first mod so any feed back or bug report would be appreciated
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