Planetary Expansion For Stellaris

Planetary Expansion For Stellaris
Allows you to expand your planets up to 25 tiles.
WARNING: this will physically change the size of the planet in the system.
How to use:
After researching New Worlds Protocol you will soon see the tech option for Planetary Expansion Sciences. After researching Planetary Expansion Sciences, two planetary edicts will become available.
Planetary Expansion
Available on planets with less than 25 tiles that do not have the Planetary Expansion, Upset Environmentalist, or Angry Environmentalist planet modifiers.
Cost: 0, Length 0
Adds the Planetary Expansion modifier to the planet which has the following effects:
-20% Pop Happiness
+25% Pop Growth Time
-05% Habitability
Stop Expansion
Available on planets with less than 25 tiles that have the Planetary Expansion planet modifier.
Cost: 0, Length 0
Removes the the Planetary Expansion modifier and adds one of the Upset or Angry Environmentalist modifiers to the planet depending on your options in an event window which has the following effects:
Upset Environmentalist: -05% Pop Happiness for 2 months
Angry Environmentalist: -15% Pop Happiness for 12 months
How it works:
Every three (3) months an event will check all planets for the expansion modifier and increase planet size by 1 tile and deduct 25 Influence (for each planet). If you don’t have enough influence an event window will pop up telling you the process was aborted. You will be given choices to procede:
Deal with the Angry Environmentalist protests for 12 months with a -15% Pop Happiness modifier added to the planet
Deal with the Upset Environmentalist protests for 2 months with a -05% Pop Happiness modifier added to the planet but it will cost 5000 Energy and 5000 Minerals.
If the process successfully reaches the end or you cancel it prematurally, you will get the same pop up window but also given the option to use 100 Influence to subdue the environmentalist for the Upset Environmentalist option.
That’s it. I tried to make it reasonable with the costs and time. It’s not something you can just colonize and pump out 25 tile planets like crazy. But it will give you the option to expand a good planet into a better one.
Issues and Caveats:
Not Ironman Compatible I would think…
You wont see your Influence deduction in the Influence expanded view (like you can for defensive pacts, etc).
The three months cycle is tied to the planet, so if you have a bunch qued it could fire off some increases every month.
Future Plans:
Set up the Influence deduction in the Influence expanded view (like you can for defensive pacts, etc).
Along with the above, reduce the ‘at once’ cost for increasing and spread it out. So instead of 25 for 3 months, the cost would be 8.33 per month but the increase happens every 3rd month.
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