Insanely Overpowered Starting System Stellaris

Insanely Overpowered Starting System Stellaris
This is my first ever mod on the Steam workshop.
If you are going to try the more resource heavy versions like the 100’000 version or the 1 million version you should be aware that leaving your stored research go above 2147483 will result in an overflow and you will not be able to research anything so make sure to be researching something and not let it accumulate over that amount.
This mod adds an insanely overpowered starting system with a size 25 planet of your preference with 6 variations of resources on that planet (food, energy, minerals, society research, etc):
10 of each resources
20 of each resources
50 of each resources
100 of each resources
1000 of each resources
10000 of each resources
100000 of each resources
1000000 of each resources
I also added some empty tiles so that you can build special buildings on them without having to feel like you wasted resources.
The home system also includes a bunch of strategic resources on almost all its planets and asteroids.
P.S. That empty tile that’s surrounded by minerals – you should put a mineral silo on it to get that great feeling of a +4 adjacency bonus.
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