CP: Christmas Shipsets – Realistic Ships Mod

CP: Christmas Shipsets – Realistic Ships Mod
This patch is updated for both Christmas Holiday Shipsets and Realistic Ships 1.4.4.
Updated 1/8/17 – Added Realistic Ship support for all Species’ Christmas Shipsets.
This mod is here to allow for the Realistic Ships Heavy Dreadnought to be researched with causing infinite research glitches for other mods, like New Ship Classes, and is absolutely required for the functioning of compatibility between both mods.
IMPORTANT: If you are using The New Ship Classes – Realistic Ships Patch or The New Ship Classes, Realistic Ships, Improved Space Battles Master Patch you do NOT need this patch!
If you do not have BOTH required mods listed on the right side of this mod page, do NOT download this mod.
Why? In short: without this file, Realistic Ship’s Heavy Dreadnought variants will not be available to any of the Christmas Holiday Shipset cultures, because the game doesn’t know to give them the correct technology. If you try to use this mod patch without the Christmas Holiday Shipsets, it’s just useless. If you try to use it without Realistic Ships, the event will not be able to give you a tech that it doesn’t know exists, and thus, causing the “infinite research” bug that causes serious issues. If you use both mods, and this will function perfectly; otherwise, you don’t need this file patch.
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