Enhanced AI Mod

Enhanced AI Mod
Supported Version:
1.6.1 Utopia
Ironman Compatible:
Complete rewrite of the old mod due to modding changes implemented by Paradox, thankfully the mod works much better than previous one, be careful the AI’s do actually bite now and keep you on your toes. Good Luck
Enhanced AI improves the Stellaris AI.
This AI is not for beginners as they will do their best to compete with you and each other, all AI’s are generally much more aggressive and expansive than before.
Recommended difficulty is atleast hard
Enhanced Sector AI
has been implemented for better sector AI both in field of decision making and management. No more sucky Sectors
Enhanced weighting for better Decision making and threat detection by AI.
Improved AI to AI interactions no more endless AI Alliances.
Boxed in AI’s get more aggressive as they try to expand.
More willing to work with the player.
No more Unrealistic relations hit with AI empires for taking planets on the other side of the galaxy.
AI builds more military.
Border Friction is a thing now, more you share a border with AI more tension it will create.
AI’s more willing to Attack and start Wars.
Threat Calculations have received major overhaul.
Bigger you are the more AI’s will join together against you.
Alliances that naturally form or out of necessity make more sense now.
AI’s more willing to trade now and exchange Maps.
Better resource management at peace and during wars.
AI’s will mix fleet composition and weapons systems.
Better Resource management by Sectors and more sensible Builds.
Planned Features :
Complete rework of Threat mechanics such that empires which have a reason for being scared of you or other AI’s share more threat but not completely ruin your game for taking few planets and making empires on the other side of galaxy who you have good relations or have no ill will feel threatened.
Sector AI, as 1.1 and 1.2 rolls out and I test the Sector AI, a new sector AI will be implemented and integrated within this mod.
Enhanced Sector AI has Been Implemented please remove Better Sectors Mod or any other mod that alters Sector AI.
Better Ship designs by AI more mix and match
Some love towards Alliances and Federations
Recommended and Compatible Mods:
Please check that each mod support the latest version of the game or there will be conflicts that I cannot support.
FasterShipUpgrade (Shameless Plug of my own mod)
ZBeautiful Battles (Name says it all, beautiful mod)
A Better System Scale (Makes space great again)
UI Overhaul 1080p (Makes UI great again, cannot play without it)
Galaxies Unlimited 1.0.2 (More Starting galaxies more fun)
Expanded War Demands (Can do more than take or liberate Planets)
More Spaceport Modules (Great concept, makes Spaceports great again and Enhanced AI handles MSM quite well)
Reduce Aura Graphics (Now you can actually look and be amazed at your little death machines.)
Any Cosmetic Mod or Namelist Mod.
Incompatible Mods:
Better Sector Mod by norad (Not compatible with Enhanced AI as Enhanced AI has its own Enhanced Sector AI integrated which far exceeds the scope of Better Sectors Mod.)
Special Thank’s to Reth for inspiration:
AI Rebalance by reth (Not compatible with Enhanced AI for obvious reasons.)
Word from author:
Ai is complex and improving it is an ongoing process, I can always use some suggestions and user inputs, please let me know what you think, what works for you what not, what you like and what you hate. Suggestions and Interaction is the only way this mod will become better and better.
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