Morality override For Stellaris
Morality override For Stellaris
1.7.4 – Instead of each government having the ability to purge based on government type, all governments can purge, slave, etc. at the expense of that ethic causing internal problems.
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Due to removing the constraints on policies and species rights the game sets defaults as low as possible at the begging of the game. This means your pops may all be slaves or something else undesirable, you will need to set this how you want immediately. A small price to pay to have the freedom to choose.
change log:
06/29/17: Confirmed compatibility for 1.7.4
05/14/17: Updated for 1.6.0
04/08/17: Updated for 1.5.1
12/09/16: Confirmed compatibility for 1.4.1
12/05/16: Confirmed compatibility for 1.4.0
11/10/16: Confirmed compatibility for 1.3.2
11/04/16: This mod still does an overwrite of the policies file but the “valid” clause has been reworked for better compatibility.
10/30/16: Initial upload.
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